Lognormal bi-level growth - height onlyThis behavior increments growth according to a lognormal equation, with the possibility of two sets of parameters for each species: one for high-light conditions and one for low-light conditions. This can also be used alone without the light levels. Parameters for this behaviorParameter name | Description |
Lognormal Bi-Level - Max Growth in High Light (m) | The maximum height growth, in meters, under high-light conditions. | Lognormal Bi-Level - Max Growth in Low Light (m) | The maximum height growth, in meters, under low-light conditions. | Lognormal Bi-Level - X0 for High-Light Growth | The X0 parameter to use under high-light growth conditions. | Lognormal Bi-Level - X0 for Low-Light Growth | The X0 parameter to use under low-light growth conditions. | Lognormal Bi-Level - Xb for High-Light Growth | The Xb parameter to use under high-light growth conditions. | Lognormal Bi-Level - Xb for Low-Light Growth | The Xb parameter to use under low-light growth conditions. | Lognormal Bi-Level - Threshold for High-Light Growth (0 - 100) | The light threshold value between high-light and low-light conditions. |
How it worksThe equation used by this behavior to increment growth is:  where - Y - amount of height growth in m
- MG - maximum growth, in meters; in high-light conditions, this is the Lognormal Bi-Level - Max Growth in High Light (m) parameter; in low-light conditions, this is the Lognormal Bi-Level - Max Growth in Low Light (m) parameter
- X0 - in high-light conditions, this is the Lognormal Bi-Level - X0 for High-Light Growth parameter; in low-light conditions, this is the Lognormal Bi-Level - X0 for Low-Light Growth parameter
- Xb - in high-light conditions, this is the Lognormal Bi-Level - Xb for High-Light Growth parameter; in low-light conditions, this is the Lognormal Bi-Level - Xb for Low-Light Growth parameter
- H - tree height in meters
- T - number of years per timestep
Light levels come from the Storm Light grid produced by the Storm Light behavior. The threshold between the use of high-light and low-light parameters is set in the Lognormal Bi-Level - Threshold for High-Light Growth (0 - 100) parameter. This behavior can also be used without Storm Light. In this case, only the low-light growth parameters are used. How to apply itThis behavior can be applied to seedlings, saplings, and adults of any species. Any tree species/type combination to which it is applied must also have a diam-only growth behavior applied. If you wish to use the light-level parameter switch, also use the Storm Light behavior. |